How to detect and Repair Pool Leakages
Regardless of the shape or size of your swimming pool, it is a costly investment, which is meant to last for years. Therefore, it is...
Discover the Secrete of Concrete Durability
Can your concrete structure resist weathering action (water penetrations), chemical attack, and abrasion? The secrete of concrete...
Imagine the hustle you went through to build a suitable structure then afterwards this happened...
Constructions are prone to damage at certain times but a lasting solution is required. Consult the professionals to fix your structure....
Prevent Your Building from Collapsing
Making the right choice for your building is essential. Leakages in buildings lead to deterioration and eventual collapse. Save your self...
SPARTACOTE™ resinous flooring and decorative finishes
SPARTACOTE™ resinous flooring and decorative finishes offer unparalleled colors, textures, and finishes. These high performance coatings...
One stop construction solutions provider, we have the solutions to all you problems.
Concrete Logistics is the ultimate one stop construction solutions provider. We offer a wide range of innovative products and services...
Need a solution for rising Damp or external wall Dampness...look no further!
Krystol Mortar Admixture (KMA) is a hydrophilic crystalline admixture used to provide long-term protection of masonry mortars and...
If you want to do it ONCE, do it with Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM)
If you want to do it ONCE, do it with KIM. There isn't a better product, Kryton's Krystol Internal Membrane last the lifespan of your...
Preventing Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete
Concrete is one of the most widely used construction materials in the world, with many key advantages such as formability and...