DECORSIL FIRENZE by OIKOS is a water repellent, vapour permable coating that offers outstanding resistance. Formulated with quartz powder with a maximum grain size of 0.3 mm, It allows the realisation of the: cloud effect, antique effect, orange peel effect. The product contains siloxanic resins in water dispersion, which guarantee excellent resistance to climatic conditions, leave unaltered the transpiration of the surface, and prevent the development of moulds and algae. Furthermore, the product is resistant to acids and frost thaw cycles. Thanks to its water repellence, DECORSIL FIRENZE keeps masonry dry and improves energy saving; it also assures the best hygienic conditions and house comfort. It can be used as finish coat both on high ¬diffusion plasters and on all wall surfaces. For its special characteristics, the product is recommended above all for prestige buildings and for the refurbishment of old town areas. It has a low odour level, is non inflammable and is friendly to both humans and the environment.