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Concrete Logistics is proud to introduce Laticrete's tile and stone installation systems

CONCRETE LOGISTICS LTD is proud to introduce Laticrete's tile and stone installation systems. We are Laticrete’s exclusive distributor in Nigeria and provider of quality tile & stone installation systems. We currently offer an Epoxy Grout and a wide range of Adhesives.

LATICRETE is an American manufacturer and marketer of globally proven construction solutions used in residential, commercial and industrial applications. For about 60 years, Laticrete has provided the technology, products and experience to make innovative, permanent installations and repairs for the construction market.

LATICRETE® 315 Premium Tile Adhesive

LATICRETE 315 is a smooth and creamy, sanded thin-set mortar can be used for interior and exterior applications on floors and walls over masonry, concrete, cement backer board, mortar beds and gypsum wallboard* mix with LATICRETE Latex Admix for exterior use. Meets ANSI A118.4† strength requirements.

LATICRETE® 325 Tile Adhesive

LATICRETE 325 Premium Tile Adhesive is a High Strength; Polymer fortified Adhesive, formulated for installing Tile & Stone. This product meets & exceeds requirement for Euro Norm C1E, ANSI & BS 5980 requirements and is ideal for installing porcelain tiles. Recommended for wet areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and steam rooms. High bond strength with both for porcelain and Ceramic Tiles. Excellent for large format ceramic tiles in interior and exterior applications. Recommended for installing tile over existing tile.

LATICRETE® 335 Premium Tile Adhesive

LATICRETE 335 is a high performance, Ploymer fortified Adhesive for installing Tile and Stone. Recommended for wet areas such as bathrooms, kitchens and steam rooms. Excellent for totally submerged areas such as swimming pools, fountains and water tanks. Formulated for both fully vitrified porcelain tiles and porous (Ceramic Tiles). Excellent adhesion for the glass mosaic. Specially formulated for large format tiles and heavy stones. Recommended for interior and exterior applications on floors and walls.

LATICRETE® 254 Platinum Tile Adhesive

LATICRETE 254 is ultimate one-step, polymer fortified, thin-set mortar for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tile, stone, quarry tile, pavers and brick. LATICRETE 254 Platinum, designed to just mix with water, has a long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability. LATICRETE 254 Platinum is a LATICRETE approved substitute for LATICRETE 211 Powder mixed with LATICRETE 4237 Latex Additive. Excellent for exterior and underwater applications, superior bond to exterior glue plywood and concrete. The ultimate thin-set for porcelain and glass tiles.


LATICRETE SPECTRALOCK® Grout is a a stainproof* epoxy based grout that utilizes a revolutionary breakthrough in technology. Its unique cross-linking system performs like an epoxy with respect to color uniformity, durability, and stain protection and it is easy to use like a portland cement base grout

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